Worldwide Expatriate Association (WEA) Signature Plans

International Major Medical Plans

  • When you decide to relocate abroad, we know that what you are really looking for in a health insurance plan is peace of mind. It is not just about having international coverage; it is about protecting yourself and the things you love most. The WEA Signature Healthcare Plan offers comprehensive coverage for individuals, couples and families.
  • Three major insurance plans to choose from:
  • Signature Elite - most popular career insurance with no waiting on pre-existing medical conditions if accepted.
  • Signature Select - career insurance with capped maternity cover.
  • Signature Care - career insurance with capped medical cover.




Picking Your Plan

Our Signature Healthcare Plan is available in three different Options: Care, Select, and Elite. Each offers benefits specially designed to meet your individual and family needs, and all Signature Healthcare Plans can be customized to include coverage in the United States.

Standard Benefits Include
Worldwide coverage (U.S. optional)
Outpatient Medication
Emergency Medical Evacuation

*This is a summary of benefits. For a complete description, please refer to the terms and conditions.